What to consider when building a website

19 March, 2015
George Pappas
2min read


  • Call to actions
  • Mobile responsive sites
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Imagery
  • Last, spend time on the design!

We’ve nutted out 5 points we think are vital for your new website design and development. Read them, print them, stick them on your wall. And if you need more help with building a website, call us!

Call to actions

It’s vital that your website contains a clear call to action on the home page, preferably above the fold. This has proven to considerably increase conversions. If your website doesn’t focus on conversions, make sure you map out a clear customer journey from the outside. For an e-commerce site, consider showing products in a home page carousel. Or, for an information site, show categories and prompt users to navigate to these categories from the outset.

Mobile responsive sites

62% of companies that built a mobile site showed an increase in web sales. 48% of users say that their perception of a business will be lower if their website isn’t compatible with mobiles. 44% complain that mobile navigation is difficult, and 46% have difficulty interacting with web pages on mobile. These stats are enough to prove that it is vital that a website is mobile responsive. Even Google have emphasised this point, no longer ranking websites which are not mobile-compatible.

Search engine optimisation

Learn how to use a couple of vital keywords around your website – this will increase search engine ranking quite substantially. However, be careful not to go overboard or you’ll get penalised! For the more complex SEO, you’re best off engaging an SEO agency, but in the meantime keep your content relevant!


People don’t want to visit a website just for the content. Users want to engage with a website. This is incredibly difficult to do when a website is packed full of content. Make sure you give users an insight into your business by using relevant imagery. Statistics show that a photo carousel on the home page substantially increases click through rates and conversions. So get that camera out!

Last, spend time on the design!

We’ve all seen nice websites. And we’ve all seen ugly websites. Design may be subjective, but there’s a pretty solid standard of “nice” websites. Make sure your website is professionally designed and professionally coded up. Websites designed and coded professionally won’t break, and, more importantly, they’re built with optimal user experiences and conversions in mind.

We hoped we’ve helped you on your journey to a better web experience with your brand. If you’d like more information on our web service, please get in touch.

Image: FastCompany

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