Master Service Terms and Conditions

Version 1.0.  Current as of 12 June 2024.

These Master Service Terms and Conditions (Master Service Terms and Conditions), together with each quote, order, statement of work, project agreement, media buying authority, or other purchasing document, however described (Purchasing Document) entered into by the person, entity, trust or other organisation set out in the applicable Purchasing Document (Client/You/Your), set out the terms and conditions on which G Squared Group Pty Ltd (ABN 62 670 345 589) of 151 Regent St, Chippendale NSW 2008 (G Squared/Our/Us/We) may provide services to You (together, the Services).

1. Your Services

(a)    Your Purchasing Document(s) sets out:

(i)      the Services You have purchased;

(ii)     the fees You will be charged for those Services (Fees); and

(iii)    when We will charge You for the Fees (including any ongoing payments).

(b)    You will be taken to have accepted these Master Service Terms and Conditions if You or Your Personnel confirms Your Purchasing Document or otherwise indicates You accept these Master Service Terms and Conditions, instruct Us to provide the Services set out in a Purchasing Document and/or pay for any Services provided by Us after receiving or becoming aware of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

(c)    If there is any inconsistency between these Master Service Terms and Conditions and a Purchasing Document, the relevant Purchasing Document will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency.

2. Term and renewal

(a)    These Master Service Terms and Conditions are legally binding on and from the date that You validly sign or otherwise submit a Purchasing Document and continue until You have no active Purchasing Documents with G Squared (subject to the survival provisions set out in these Master Services Terms and Conditions).

(b)    Each Service will have the term set out in, and where applicable, will renew in accordance with, the relevant Purchasing Document.

3. Third-Party Services

(a)    You acknowledge that the Services may incorporate certain third-party services, including services from third party subcontractors, software and/or third party technology (Third Party Services) and that Your rights and obligations with respect thereto are subject to any terms or agreements (which may include licenses) that might accompany such Third Party Services (Third Party Agreement(s)) to the extent we give you notice of such Third Party Agreements.

(b)    You further acknowledge and agree that the provision of the Services by G Squared may be subject to You entering into a relevant Third Party Agreement(s) or G Squared entering into such Third Party Agreement(s) on your behalf. Where this applies, You must execute all relevant Third Party Agreement(s) and any reasonable additional documents that a vendor of Third Party Services (Vendor) may require to enable G Squared to deliver the Third Party Services to You. Alternatively, with Your prior written consent, We may enter into contracts with Vendors as an agent for a disclosed principal. You assume all liability for payment of amounts owing to such Vendors.

(c)    To the maximum extent permitted by law, G Squared has no liability to You, makes no warranty and provides no indemnity with respect to any such Third Party Services, except to the extent that a Vendor of any Third Party Services expressly provides a warranty or indemnity which may be extended to You.  

(d)    The Third Party Services are provided by the relevant Vendor. Although G Squared may assist with front-line support, G Squared will have no liability with respect thereto and You must liaise directly with the Vendor, except where we have otherwise agreed in writing.

4. Additional Services

G Squared is entitled to payment of an additional charge in relation to any services or ad hoc support requested by You or any services reasonably required to be provided by G Squared in addition to the Services described in Your Purchasing Documents (Additional Services). Additional Services will be provided on a time and materials basis and charged at Our then current standard hourly rates.

5. Media Buying Authority

(a)    If We provide Paid Media Management Services to You, We may (in our sole discretion and subject to satisfactory findings of customary credit checks) agree to purchase media on Your behalf. Where this applies We will require You to execute a media buying authority (Media Buying Authority), under which We have the authority to purchase media on Your behalf up to the amounts authorised in the Media Buying Authority. We may revoke a Media Buying Authority or Our decision to purchase media on Your behalf at any time by providing You with written notice.

(b)    Where We have purchased media on Your behalf within the authority provided to Us under a Media Buying Authority, You must pay or reimburse G Squared for the amounts incurred by Us. These amounts will be invoiced in arrears to You every month and are payable in accordance with clause 9.

(c)     If We do not agree to purchase media on Your behalf in accordance with a Media Buying Authority, You may be required to pay for any media purchases independently.

6. Your rights and obligations

You must:

(a)     provide G Squared with such information, directions, guidance and assistance as G Squared and its Personnel may reasonably require and request in order to provide services under these Master Service Terms and Conditions;

(b)    advise G Squared promptly if You become (or should have reasonably become) aware of errors or changes in any information, directions or guidance provided by You to G Squared; and

(c)     pay all applicable Fees, expenses and other payments as and when they fall due.

7. Reliance on your instructions

You acknowledge and agree that G Squared may act on specific instructions given by You without investigating whether the act will comply with applicable law (and You release G Squared from all liability in relation to such compliance). However, G Squared is not obliged to comply with any direction which G Squared reasonably considers may cause a breach of applicable law.

8. G Squared’s obligations

G Squared will, in consideration of the payment of the Fees:

(a)     provide the Services in accordance with the relevant Purchasing Document and the Master Service Terms and Conditions, and in a professional and competent manner;

(b)     serve as a resource to You and, unless otherwise agreed in writing, will not exercise any decision-making authority or control with respect to Your business or affairs; and

(c)     take reasonable steps to maintain all licences, accreditations, certifications and approvals necessary for G Squared to provide the Services.

Nothing in these Master Service Terms and Conditions prevents Us from providing the Services, or services similar to the Services, to other customers.

9. Payment

(a)     Fees: You agree to pay the Fees to G Squared in the amounts and at the times set out in the Purchasing Document or as otherwise agreed in writing.

(b)     Expenses: You agree to pay or reimburse G Squared for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the course of providing the Services. Out-of-pocket expenses will be invoiced monthly in arrears and prior authorisation from You will be sought for any individual amount that exceeds $500 (excluding GST).

(c)     Payment Terms: Our Purchasing Documents set out Our payment terms for specific Services. Where a Purchasing Document does not specify payment terms, Our payment terms are thirty (30) days from date of invoice.

(d)     No refunds: Unless We materially breach these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document, You will not be entitled to a refund for any reason.

(e)     Billing process: We will issue You invoices for any Fees on a monthly basis, normally within ten (10) Business Days of the first calendar day of each month. All Services will be billed in advance for that month, except for media purchased under a Media Buying Authority, which We will bill in arrears.

(f)      Billing disputes: If You dispute the whole or any portion of the amount claimed in an invoice issued by G Squared, You must pay the portion of the amount stated in the invoice which is not in dispute by the stated due date and must notify G Squared in writing (within five (5) Business Days of receipt of the invoice) of the reasons for disputing the remainder of the invoice. If it is resolved or finally determined that some or all of the amount in dispute ought to have properly been made paid at the time of the first invoice, then We reserve the right to charge the amount finally resolved together with 7% per annum interest (calculated and accrued daily, compounded monthly) on that amount on and from the date that payment was originally due.

(g)     Late payments: G Squared reserves the right to charge interest on late payments at an amount equal to 7% per annum interest (calculated and accrued daily, compounded monthly) on that unpaid amount on and from the date that payment was originally due.

(h)     GST: Unless otherwise indicated, amounts stated in a Purchasing Document do not include goods and services tax (GST) as defined in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth). In relation to any GST payable for a taxable supply by G Squared, You must pay the GST subject to G Squared providing You with a valid tax invoice. If either party is entitled under these Master Service Terms and Conditions to be reimbursed or indemnified by any other party for a cost or expense incurred in connection with these Master Service Terms and Conditions (including under a relevant Purchasing Document), the reimbursement or indemnity payment will be reduced by any input tax credit that may be claimed by the party entitled to be reimbursed or indemnified for that cost or expense, or by its representative member.

(i)      Payment methods: We currently accept payment for our Services by either electronic funds transfer or credit card. We reserve the right to change Our accepted payment methods at any time with written notice to You.

(j)      Card surcharges: We reserve the right to charge credit card surcharges in the event payments are made using a credit, debit or charge card (including Visa, MasterCard or American Express).

10.  Confidentiality

(a)    Each party will protect each other’s Confidential Information from unauthorised use, access or disclosure in the same manner as each protects its own Confidential Information, but with no less than reasonable care.

(b)    Except as expressly permitted by these Master Service Terms and Conditions, each party may use each other’s Confidential Information solely to exercise its respective rights and perform its respective obligations under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document and shall disclose such Confidential Information:

(i)      solely to the Personnel and professional advisers (including auditors), financiers and bona fide prospective investors or purchasers who have a need to know such Confidential Information and who are bound by terms of confidentiality intended to prevent the misuse of such Confidential Information;

(ii)     as necessary to comply with an order or subpoena of any governmental or administrative agency or court of competent jurisdiction;

(iii)    as necessary to comply with any applicable law or regulation, including the requirements of an applicable securities exchange; or

(iv)    to a party’s Related Bodies Corporate.

(c)    This clause 10 is deemed to supersede any non-disclosure agreement by and between the parties and such agreement shall have no further force or effect on and from the date that You agree to or are deemed to accept these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

11.  Privacy and data

(a)     Any personal information You disclose to Us under these Master Service Terms and Conditions, or a Purchasing Document will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and Our Privacy Policy.

(b)    Each party must comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act in relation to any personal information.

(c)    You must only disclose to Us personal information where You are permitted to do so by law.

(d)    You warrant that You have obtained all necessary consents from relevant individuals in accordance with applicable laws in order to provide Client Data to G Squared and process Client Data in accordance or in connection with these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

(e)    You grant Us a worldwide perpetual, sub-licensable, royalty free right and licence to compile, collect, copy, modify, publish and use anonymous and/or aggregate data generated from or based on Client Data and/or Your use of the Services, for analytical and other commercial and/or business purposes.

12.  Intellectual property

(a)    All pre-existing Intellectual Property Rights which are already owned by either party or are developed by that party independently from these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document will at all times remain owned by that party exclusively.

(b)    Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, all Intellectual Property Rights created by G Squared, including Intellectual Property Rights in any working files, in the course of providing the Services, or otherwise performing its obligations to You will vest in G Squared immediately upon creation. If requested by G Squared, You agree to execute a customary assignment deed to perfect the vesting of the Intellectual Property Rights in G Squared.

(c)    Without limiting the generality of paragraphs (a) and (b) above, any “boilerplate”, including but not limited to “boilerplate” texts, statements, documents, codes, digital media account structures, content or other materials, that is developed, created or used by G Squared in the course of providing the Services, or otherwise in performing its obligations to You will, as between the parties, at all times remain owned by G Squared exclusively.

(d)    In addition to any other remedies available to G Squared under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or otherwise, any breach of this clause 12 by You will entitle G Squared to seek any available equitable remedy against You.

(e)    You must not do anything that is, or is likely to be, an infringement of, or otherwise inconsistent with, any moral rights in any deliverables created by G Squared under or in connection with these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

(f)      You grant to G Squared, and will procure that third parties grant to G Squared, a non-exclusive, royalty free licence to use Intellectual Property Rights which are owned by You or a third party, if and to the extent that such use is necessary or convenient for G Squared to provide Services or otherwise to perform its obligations under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document. The Client warrants that it and each third party is and will be entitled to grant such licences to G Squared.

(g)    In addition to the above, You agree and consent that G Squared has the right to display or use any content or materials that are developed, created or used by G Squared in the course of providing the Services on any platform, including on G Squared’s website.

(h)    For project materials that We hold in connection with Web Services, We are only required to hold the relevant project materials for a period of six (6) months post-deployment, unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties in the applicable Purchasing Document.

13.  Warranties


13.1  Your Warranties

You represent and warrant that You have:

(a)    the legal capacity and authority (including all necessary licences, consents and authorisations) to enter into this these Master Service Terms and Conditions and each Purchasing Document and to procure the Services from G Squared in accordance with these Master Service Terms and Conditions;

(b)    not relied on any representation made by G Squared which has not been expressly stated in these Master Service Terms and Conditions,

and You acknowledge that G Squared has relied on the above representations and warranties in agreeing to provide the Services to You in accordance with the Master Service Terms and Conditions.

13.2  Exclusion of warranties

To the maximum extent permitted by law, You agree that:  

(a)    We do not warrant that the Services (as applicable) will be complete or accurate, meet Your needs or expectations, be fit for Your purposes or be delivered by any date or time except to the extent expressly set out in a Purchasing Document; and

(b)    all express or implied representations and warranties (whether relating to fitness for purpose or performance, or otherwise) not expressly stated in these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document are excluded.

Where any law (including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)) implies a condition, warranty or guarantee which may not lawfully be excluded, then, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Our liability for breach of that non-excludable condition, warranty or guarantee will, at Our option, be limited to:

(a)    in the case of goods, their replacement or the supply of equivalent goods or their repair; and

(b)    in the case of services, the supply of the services again.

14 Liability generally

(a)    Subject to clause paragraphs (b) and (c) below, neither party is liable for any loss or damage which is not loss or damage arising naturally and in the usual course of things from the relevant facts or circumstances giving rise to the breach of these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document or the relevant loss, and specifically neither party will be liable for:

(i)      indirect or consequential loss; or

(ii)     loss of revenue (other than in respect of Fees or expenses payable by the Client to G Squared), loss of profits, loss of opportunity, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted expenditure, loss of business reputation, loss of reputation or adverse publicity or damage to credit rating.

(b)    Each party’s liability under or in connection with these Master Service Terms and Conditions and each Purchasing Document is proportionate to the extent to which that party contributed to the relevant liability. To avoid doubt, G Squared’s liability for any delays in delivery the Services is reduced to the extent that You or Your Personnel caused or contributed to the relevant delay.

(c)    Nothing under these Master Service Terms and Conditions limits either party’s liability to the other in connection with:

(i)      the party’s indemnification or confidentiality obligations under these Master Service Terms and Conditions;

(ii)     the fraud or wilful misconduct of that party; or

(iii)    any injury or death to any person or damage to property arising from the negligent or wilful acts or omissions of that party. 

15 Limitation of liability

Subject to clause 14, each party’s maximum aggregate liability to the other party arising out of these Master Service Terms and Conditions will not exceed the Fees (to avoid doubt, excluding expenses or amounts paid by You in connection with media purchased by Us on Your behalf under a Media Buying Authority) actually paid by You to Us under these Master Service Terms and Conditions in the 12 months immediately preceding the first event or circumstance which gave rise to the relevant liability.

16 Indemnity

(a)    You will indemnify, defend, and hold Us and Our Related Bodies Corporate (including Our employees, independent contractors, vendors, agents and/or permitted subcontractors) harmless from and against all damage, claims (including third party claims), demands, suits, causes of action, awards, judgments and liabilities, including the cost of defending or settling any claims, demands, suits, causes of action, awards, judgments, liabilities and any proceedings commenced or fines levied by a governmental or regulatory body (collectively Claims) arising out of or alleged to have arisen out of:

(i)      Your (and/or the Personnel’s) use of the Services, including but not limited to any actual or alleged infringement, misappropriation, or violation by You or Your Personnel of any Intellectual Property Rights of a third party;

(ii)     any data leak, security incident or breach or other compromise of Client Data (including personal information) associated with Your web assets, software, hardware or other technology;

(iii)    any breaches of applicable law or regulation due to content or materials that You have provided to G Squared in connection with a Service provided to You under these Master Service Terms and Conditions,

except to the extent caused or contributed to by G Squared.

(b)    Each party will indemnify, defend, and hold the other party and their Related Bodies Corporate (including their employees, independent contractors, vendors, agents and/or permitted subcontractors) harmless from and against any actual or alleged infringement, misappropriation, or violation of any rights or licenses provided under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or the applicable Purchasing Document by that party or their Personnel of a third party.

(c)    Unless otherwise expressly agreed in these Master Service Terms and Conditions, We will only indemnify, defend, and hold You harmless from and against third-party Claims to the extent the Claims are due solely to any actual or alleged infringement, misappropriation, or violation of any Intellectual Property Rights of a third party arising out of the Services, and to the extent that the claim does not arise from Your use of the Services that is in breach of these Master Service Terms and Conditions or any applicable Third Party Agreement.

17  Termination


17.1  Termination for cause

A party may immediately terminate these Master Service Terms and Conditions, each Service then provided by G Squared and any applicable Purchasing Document(s) by providing the other party with written notice where the other party:

(a)    has committed a material breach of these Master Service Terms and Conditions or the applicable Purchasing Document and failed to remedy such breach within ten (10) Business Days after receiving notice requiring the defaulting party to do so;

(b)    is unable to perform its obligations due to a Force Majeure event for a period of 30 days or longer; or

(c)     becomes the subject of an Insolvency Event.

If We exercise our termination rights under this clause, then all Fees paid are non-refundable and any outstanding Fees due to be paid are immediately due and payable.

Termination for convenience

(a)    Subject to paragraphs (b) to (d) below and any fixed or minimum committed term set out in the applicable Purchasing Document, a party may terminate a Service (in full) for any or no reason by providing the other party with 90 days’ prior written notice, subject to any terms and conditions set out in the applicable Purchasing Document (such as an early termination fee).

(b)    If these Master Service Terms and Conditions or any Purchasing Document is terminated in accordance with paragraph (a), all Fees paid are non-refundable and any outstanding Fees due to be paid (for example, Fees owed to G Squared in respect of any minimum committed term of Your Service(s)) are immediately due and payable.  

(c)     Where You are terminating as a consequence of an increase in Fees under clause 18, You may terminate the relevant Purchasing Document with effect from the date that the increase is scheduled to take effect.

(d)    Where the 90th day falls on a day other than the final day of a calendar month, the effective date of termination will be the final day of the month in which the 90th day falls.

17.3  Consequences of Termination

(a)    Where these Master Service Terms and Conditions or any Purchasing Document terminates or expires, G Squared will be regarded as discharged from any further obligations under these Master Services Terms and Conditions or the Purchasing Document, as applicable, and may:

(i)          retain any moneys paid;

(ii)         charge a reasonable sum for work performed in respect of which work no sum has been previously charged;

(iii)        pursue any additional or alternative remedies provided by law; and

(iv)       purge all Client Data after thirty (30) calendar days’ following the expiry or termination (provided that during such period the Client will have access to the Client Data for the purposes of backup).

Termination shall not affect any claim by G Squared in respect of accrued Fees, expenses, taxes or other amounts payable by You in respect of the period to termination.

(b)    Where these Master Service Terms and Conditions or any Purchasing Document terminates or expires, except where a contrary intention appears, each party must also return to the other party, or certify the destruction of, any Confidential Information of the other party that is in their possession.

18 Updates and changes to the Service and Fees

Without limiting our general rights to amend these Master Service Terms and Conditions, We may modify, improve or update our Services and the Fees we charge You in respect of the Services from time to time. Any increases to Fees or changes to Your Service which may materially detrimentally affect You or Your enjoyment of the Services, will apply no earlier than thirty (30) days following notice to You, or, if You have agreed to a fixed or minimum committed term, on renewal.  You may, upon receiving notice of such increases to Fees or changes to Your Service, terminate the relevant Purchasing Document in accordance with clause 17.2(c).

19 Non-Solicitation

While any Purchasing Documents are on foot and for a period of twelve (12) months following expiry or termination of the last Purchasing Document to terminate or expire, You will not, without Our prior written consent, directly or indirectly entice or solicit, or assist another person to entice or solicit, an employee, contractor, officer or agent of the other party with whom it has had dealings with You.

20 Disputes

If the parties fail to reach agreement on any matter within twenty (20) Business Days after one party notifies the other of the existence of a dispute for the purposes of this clause, either party may refer the determination of the issue to an expert to be agreed between the parties (failing which, appointed by the Australian Disputes Centre) and to be administered in accordance with the Australian Disputes Centre Rules for Expert Determination. The determination of the expert shall be final and binding in the absence of manifest error, and any cost incurred will be apportioned equally between G Squared and the Client. However, this clause does not prevent Us from commencing debt recovery procedures against You, unless You have given Us particularised written notice of a bona fide dispute in relation to those disputed unpaid debts in accordance with clause 9(f). Furthermore, nothing in the clause will prevent a party from seeking urgent interlocutory relief where failure to obtain such relief would cause irreparable harm to that party.

21 Notices

All notices, certificates, consents, approvals, waivers and other communications in connection with these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document must be in writing, signed by the sender (if an individual) or an authorised officer of the sender and marked for the attention of:

(a)    if the notice is to You, the person identified in the relevant Purchasing Document Form; and

(b)    if the notice is to Us, to:

Communications sent by email need not be marked for attention in the way stated above. However, the email must state the first and last name of the sender. Communications sent by email are taken to be signed by the named sender.

Communications must be:

(a)    left at the address set out above;

(b)    sent by prepaid ordinary post (airmail if appropriate) to the address set out above;

(c)    sent by email to the address set out above; or

(d)    given in any other way permitted by law.

However, if the intended recipient has notified a changed address or email address, then the communications must be to that address or email address. Communications take effect from the time they are received or taken to be received under the below paragraph (whichever happens first) unless a later time is specified. Communications are taken to be received:

(a)    if sent by registered post, three (3) Business Days after posting (or five (5) Business Days after posting if sent from one country to another); or

(b)    if sent by email:

(i)      when the sender receives an automated message confirming delivery; or

(ii)     four hours after the time sent (as recorded on the device from which the sender sent the email) unless the sender receives an automated message that the email has not been delivered,

whichever happens first.

22 Force majeure

(a)    If a party (Affected Party) becomes unable, wholly or in part, to carry out an obligation under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document (other than an obligation to pay money) due to an act of God or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the affected party (Force Majeure), the Affected Party must give to the other party prompt written notice of:

(i)      reasonable details of the Force Majeure; and

(ii)     so far as is known, the probable extent to which the Affected Party will be unable to perform or be delayed in performing its obligation.

(b)    Subject to compliance with paragraph (a) above, the relevant obligation will be suspended during the Force Majeure to the extent that it is affected by the Force Majeure.

(c)    The Affected Party must use its best endeavours to overcome or remove the Force Majeure as quickly as possible.

23 Advertising

You agree that G Squared has the right to publicly identify You as a client of G Squared and describe the nature of the Services provided to You, and You grant G Squared a royalty free license to use Your trademark or logo on Our website and other marketing collateral for such purposes.

24 Unfair terms


24.1  Purpose

The purpose of this clause 24 is to foster transparency and fairness between the parties, while establishing a collaborative process for addressing any concerns related to any potential Unfairness of the terms of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

24.2  Application

Clauses 24.3 and 24.4 only apply if section 23 (Unfair Contract Terms) of the Australian Consumer Law applies to these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

24.3  Severance

If any term in these Master Service Terms and Conditions is substantially similar to a term which a Supreme Court of an Australian state or territory or the Federal Court of Australia, or any court of appeal from any of them, finds to be Unfair, that term is automatically severed from these Master Service Terms and Conditions, with effect on and from the date that the relevant provision took effect, to the extent necessary to remove the Unfairness of that term, without requiring any further action to be taken by either party.

24.4  Notification of potentially unfair terms

(a)     If either party believes that a term of these Master Service Terms and Conditions is potentially Unfair, the concerned party may inform the other party in writing.

(b)     The parties must then, for a period of 10 Business Days, participate in good faith negotiations to discuss any amendments which the parties agree would address the notifying party’s concerns about the potential Unfairness, and where such amendments are agreed, promptly vary these Master Service Terms and Conditions in order to give effect to the agreed amendment, with such amendment to take effect on and from the date that the relevant provision took effect, to the extent necessary to remove the potential Unfairness of that term, without requiring any further action to be taken by either party.

(c)     If the parties cannot agree to an appropriate amendment, then either party may, within 10 Business Days of the conclusion of the period set out in paragraph (b) above, give notice of a dispute under clause 20 and immediately proceed to appoint an expert and any such appointed expert will be charged with determining the appropriate amendments (if necessary) to address the potential Unfairness.  The amendments will take effect from the time that the relevant provision took effect and the parties agree to promptly enter into a variation agreement to document the amendment.

25 General


25.1  Amendment

(a)     These Master Service Terms and Conditions can be amended in writing signed by both parties. In addition, subject to paragraph (b), we can amend these Master Service Terms and Conditions without first notifying You about the amendment if the change is beneficial to You or does not interfere with Your enjoyment of the Services.

(b)     If We wish to amend these Master Service Terms and Conditions, other than in accordance with paragraph (a), We will give You at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing (normally, by email) before We make a change to these Master Service Terms and Conditions that may be detrimental to You, or that could interfere with Your enjoyment of the Services. Where the detriment or interference is material, You may terminate these Master Service Terms and Conditions, each Service then provided by G Squared and any applicable Purchasing Document(s) by providing Us with no less than ten (10) Business Day’s prior written notice.

(c)     Whenever We make a change to these Master Service Terms and Conditions, the revised Master Service Terms and Conditions will be made available on Our website.

25.2  Novation and assignment

(a)     A party may assign, transfer, novate or otherwise dispose of any their rights or obligations (as applicable) under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document to the extent that such assignment, transfer, novation or otherwise is to a Related Body Corporate and that Related Body Corporate assumes, provided it is capable of assuming, all liabilities and obligations of that party under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document.

(b)     Subject to (a), neither party may assign, transfer, novate or otherwise dispose of any of their rights or obligations (as applicable) under these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document to any other party, without the other party’s prior written consent (not to be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned).

25.3  Entire agreement

To the maximum extent permitted by law, these Master Service Terms and Conditions (together with the Purchasing Document(s)), embodies the entire agreement of the parties in relation to its subject matter and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings, representations and undertakings, whether oral or in writing.

25.4  Severance

If any provision or part of a provision of these Master Service Terms and Conditions or a Purchasing Document is held or found to be void, invalid or otherwise unenforceable (whether in respect of a particular party or generally), it will be deemed to be severed to the extent that it is void or to the extent of voidability, invalidity or unenforceability, but the remainder of that provision will remain in full force and effect.

25.5  Waivers

Failure to exercise or enforce, or a delay in exercising or enforcing, or the partial exercise or enforcement of, a right, power or remedy provided by law or under these Master Service Terms and Conditions by a party does not preclude, or operate as a waiver of, the exercise or enforcement, or further exercise or enforcement, of that or any other right, power or remedy provided by law or under these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

25.6  Survival

Any term or condition which is expressed to survive the expiration or termination of these Master Service Terms and Conditions will survive any expiration or termination of the Master Service Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to clauses 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.1, 13.2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, and 26.

25.7  Governing law and jurisdiction

These Master Service Terms and Conditions and each Purchasing Document is governed by the laws in force in New South Wales. Each party irrevocably submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts having jurisdiction in that state.

26 Definitions

In these Master Service Terms and Conditions, the following meanings apply unless the context requires otherwise:

Australian Consumer Law means the uniform legislation for consumer protection outlined in Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

Business Day means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or public holiday in Sydney, New South Wales.

Client Data means data or information provided by the Client to G Squared.

Confidential Information means any information of whatever kind which a party discloses or reveals to the other party under or in relation to these Master Service Terms and Conditions that:

(a)    is by its nature confidential;

(b)    is designated by the disclosing party as confidential; or

(c)    the recipient knows or reasonably ought to know is confidential,

including (where We are the disclosing party) Our Services and (where You are the disclosing party) Client Data, but does not include information that:

(d)    is published or has otherwise entered the public domain other than in breach of these Master Service Terms and Conditions; or

(e)    is independently developed or obtained other than in breach of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

Fees has the meaning given to that term in clause 1.

Force Majeure has the meaning given to that term in clause 22.

Insolvency Event means that:

(a)    a party enters into any arrangement between itself and its creditors;

(b)    a party ceases to be able to pay its debts as they become due;

(c)    a party ceases to carry on business;

(d)    a mortgagee enters into possession or disposes of the whole or any part of the party’s assets or business;

(e)    a receiver, a receiver and manager, a trustee in bankruptcy, an administrator, a liquidator, a provisional liquidator or other like person is appointed of the whole or any part of the party’s assets or business; or

(f)     any analogous event occurs in relation to a party.

Intellectual Property Rights means:

(a)     all rights conferred by statute, common law or in equity and subsisting anywhere in the world in relation to:

(i)      registered and unregistered copyright;

(ii)     inventions (including patents, innovation patents and utility models);

(iii)    confidential information (including the right to enforce an obligation to keep information confidential), trade secrets, technical data and know-how;

(iv)    registered and unregistered designs;

(v)     registered and unregistered trade marks;

(b)    any other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, commercial, scientific, literary or artistic fields which subsist or may hereafter subsist;

(c)    any business name registration;

(d)    any domain name registration;

(e)    any social media account;

(f)     any licence or other similar right from a third party to use any of the above;

(g)    any applications and the right to apply for registration of any of the above; and

(h)    any rights of action against any third party in connection with the rights included in paragraphs (a) to (g) above, including any right to claim (and retain) any damages and other remedies (including an account of profits) for infringement,

but excluding moral rights and similar personal rights which by law are non‑assignable.

Media Buying Authority has the meaning given in clause 5.

Paid Media Management Services means those paid media management services as described and set out in Schedule 1 of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

Personnel means a party’s employees, independent contractors, vendors, agents and/or permitted subcontractors.

Privacy Policy means Our privacy policy as published on Our website and as updated from time to time.

Related Bodies Corporate has the meaning given to it in the Corporations Act.

Search Engine Optimisation Services means those search engine optimisation services as described in Schedule 1 of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

Unfair means an assertion that a term is unfair within the meaning of section 24 of the Australian Consumer Law and Unfairness is taken to have a corresponding meaning.

Web Services means those web services as described in Schedule 1 of these Master Service Terms and Conditions.

27 Interpretation

In these Master Service Terms and Conditions, headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation and unless the context otherwise requires:

(a)    the singular includes the plural and vice versa;

(b)    a reference to a person includes a reference to a body corporate, a government organisation, body or instrumentality, an unincorporated body and any other entity;

(c)    each schedule of this these Master Service Terms and Conditions forms part of these Master Service Terms and Conditions;

(d)    a reference to these Master Service Terms and Conditions includes a reference to any variation, replacement or novation of it;

(e)    a reference to any legislation or to any provision of any legislation includes a reference to any modification or re-enactment of it, any legislative provision substituted for it and all regulations and statutory instruments issued under it;

(f)     a reference to a thing includes a reference to any part of that thing;

(g)    a reference to any party to these Master Service Terms and Conditions where relevant includes a reference to the party’s successors and permitted assigns;

(h)    where a word or phrase is defined, its other grammatical terms have corresponding meanings;

(i)      a reference to conduct includes a reference to any omission, statement or undertaking, whether or not in writing;

(j)      a word or phrase appearing in a certain context which, when used in a similar context in the Corporations Act would have a particular meaning, has that meaning in these Master Service Terms and Conditions;

(k)    a reference to month is a reference to a calendar month; and

(l)      a reference to writing includes communication by electronic mail.

Schedule 1 – Service Descriptions

G Squared offers four key Services:

1.      Web Services

G Squared offers tailored web design, development and maintenance services. Based on data from Your existing website and Our experience, We design and develop website solutions centred around user needs, developing within a custom technical stack across platforms including Sitecore, Optimizely, Contentful, Umbraco, Magento, Shopify, WordPress and Headless CMS.

G Squared also offers a service specifically tailored to monitor website conversion rate ongoing, and ensure it is driving optimal results for the business. We do this by analysing a number of key metrics including bounce rate, session duration, conversion/goal completions and conversion value. Part of this service is to employ tactics and initiatives to assist in enhancing these metrics including split testing user interface changes, automations, website structure/navigation tests and adjusting messaging.

2.      Search Engine Optimisation Services

G Squared offers bespoke organic search energy optimisation (SEO) services. We work on a retainer model, proposing a recommended number of hours per month which are allocated across SEO strategy, content writing, link building, web development, or any other SEO deliverable which we believe will help drive position organic search outcomes.

3.      Paid Media Management Services

G Squared offers a full-funnel paid media strategy and implementation designed to drive real business results.

We build a funnel which identifies the role each channel plays and where they sit in the customer journey. We analyse how the customer interacts with Your brand at each digital touchpoint and optimise the strategy and conversion rate accordingly – allocating budgets fluidly across search, social, programmatic and other channels to drive optimal results.

4.      Creative Services

G Squared offers creative services which include the campaign ideation, design and production of both still and motion graphics for use predominantly on digital channels (which may involve design, photography, videography, animation and writing works). G Squared applies a performance lens to our creative services, ensuring that We measure the real business outcomes being driven by Our services.

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