Technical SEO

Technical SEO optimisation is a foundational pillar of SEO, which involves enhancing your website's technical infrastructure to optimise its performance in search engine rankings.

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Optimising for speed and mobile accessibility

Is your website optimised for speed and mobile compatibility? As part of our technical SEO services, we will work with you to optimise your site for speed and mobile accessibility. This is to ensure that your website meets modern digital standards, enhancing both user satisfaction and your site's visibility in search engine results.

A critical factor for both user experience and search engine rankings is ensuring your web pages load swiftly on various devices. There are various reasons why your website might be taking longer than average to load, and we can identify and solve these problems for you. Alongside this, we will also work to ensure your website is mobile-friendly and accessible. Search engines favour mobile-responsive websites over desktop rankings, so by prioritising mobile accessibility, our technical SEO strategies aim to improve your mobile rankings.

Building a solid information architecture

A well-structured information architecture (IA) forms the backbone of a successful website. Our team focuses on developing user-friendly and descriptive URLs, alongside an efficient internal linking structure. This ensures that not only are your most crucial pages visible to search engines, but they are also easily navigable by users.

We also address on-page optimisation by enhancing meta tags and image attributes with relevant keywords. These efforts aim to improve click-through rates and clearly convey your page's relevance to search engines. By building and maintaining a highly organised IA, our consultants can elevate your website's usability and search engine performance.

Leveraging advanced SEO techniques

Our approach to technical SEO encompasses advanced tactics to solidify your online presence. This includes auditing and optimising your site's XML sitemap or nested XML sitemap structure, enabling search engines to efficiently understand and index your site's pages. We strategically use meta robots tags in your site's robots.txt file to guide search engine crawlers, optimising your crawl budget.

Key to this is addressing duplicate content issues. We implement canonical tags to designate the preferred version of a page, preserving your site's authority and rankings. Finally, we also leverage structured data markup to enhance your visibility on page one, outperforming competitors and boosting click-through rates and traffic. Combining these advanced technical SEO tactics can help to increase your website’s traffic and boost your conversion rates.

Our process, underpinned by technology​.


Quantitative analysis

We’re a Sydney marketing agency with a point of difference. Introducing Gamma, our proprietary AI technology, which allows us to analyse big data sets in real time​.

Qualitative approach​

We work collaboratively with clients on an ongoing basis to extract insights relevant to their business challenges​.

Gamma is the dedicated innovation lab of G Squared, comprising of a select team of consultants and engineers who collaborate with clients to craft purpose-built AI tools.

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