Brydens partnered with G Squared to improve their category visibility, and generate high-quality leads.

Paid Media

+200% increase in bookings

CPA reduced by 73%

Total conversions up by 352%

Brydens Lawyers are a well-established, leading law firm in New South Wales. But despite their solid reputation and large market share, Brydens operates in an increasingly saturated market.

This highly competitive legal landscape had the potential to limit the firm’s growth and acquisition strategies. Brydens partnered with G Squared to address this challenge.

The Challenge.

The primary challenge within the legal vertical is its competitiveness. Paid search in particular is highly competitive, expensive and saturated with firms offering similar services.

The strategy needed to drive visibility for not just the firm but also its core areas of law using a limited budget. Each area of law also attracted a unique audience.

In addition to this, engaging a lawyer is often a needs-based service.

To stand out in the pack and connect with the right people at the right time, Brydens tasked G Squared with two primary objectives:

  1. exceed a set number of free legal advice bookings per month

  2. meet an aggressive cost per acquisition target

The Integrated Solution.

A multichannel digital marketing strategy that went beyond awareness and consideration, considering the full user journey, which included:

  • Spotify: 30” second advertisements to strengthen awareness and upper funnel, with campaigns designed to support both generic law and specific services.

  • Search: Full funnel solution with a generic campaign to establish Brydens as a legal authority in NSW and capture upper funnel searchers with broad terms, before building out lower funnel campaigns catered towards users seeking specific areas of law. Increasing CPAs linked to seasonality were mitigated with frequent creative refreshing and methodical audience targeting, while non-performing areas of law were promoted on a needs basis only. With many competing conversion actions, GSQ took the approach of increasing conversion value for select actions to mitigate Google’s tendency at times to prioritise less important events. Brydens are also an SEO client, which enabled tactical use of organic keyword data to inform paid search activity.

  • Meta: Several campaigns executed across the full funnel, with the introduction of lead-generation formats, benefit-led creative and rigorous ad testing (particularly for copy).

  • Native: Introduced to the MOF mix following success seen in other professional services clients. A test & learn approach to browsing audiences versus context was implemented to understand the highest ROI.

  • Social Display: Replaced the role of Google Display and drove incremental conversions at a low CPA.

Not only did this approach enhance Bryden’s in-market audience exposure, it catered towards varying consumption behaviour of their prospects and accounted for the needs-based requirement of legal services.

One of the most successful aspects of this campaign was adding native display to the media mix. This was a hugely successful choice which delivered the cheapest bookings compared to any other platform.

The Results.

By working collaboratively to understand Brydens' business landscape and embedding a test & learn approach, we tailored a strategy which met and exceed Brydens Lawyers’ goals - within their budget.

  • 37% increase in free advice bookings from the previous quarter

  • Year on year, free advice bookings rose by more than 200%

  • CPA was down 73% to $166.87, significantly below the target.

  • Total conversions were up by 352% based on a year-on-year comparison

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